March 2023 Links
Massacres, lying "historians," leadership and purpose, AI doomsdays coupled with optimism, and more. 10 links.
There is no alternative to America. Most people are content with a managed decline unless things get much worse and very suddenly.
Conservatives can’t even be relied on to boycott the woke NFL, much less start their own nation. The majority of Americans are content with what they have and there is no separate identity for them to rally around.
We should make our country something to be proud of again–not delude ourselves into thinking we can tweet a new nation into existence.
What we teach will dictate how we teach. A teacher’s role shifts and changes. Acquiring knowledge, learning skills, and forming ideas all demand something different from the student and the teacher. On teaching ideas:
The teacher will still be in charge, but will elicit from students their own reactions to the ideas and values the teacher has helped them encounter, and will assist students in learning how to better perceive, judge, and evaluate the ideas discussed by great thinkers. If judged to be good, the teacher must then help students to articulate why the ideas are good, and, if bad, what is wrong with them. If judged to be true, the teacher must then help students to articulate why they are true, and, if false, why they fail.