September 2023 Links
Speaking up when needed, organized crime, rising birth rates, and the gendered symbology of the cosmos. 8 links.
The spiral of silence, or how those with the approved opinion are allowed to get louder and louder while dissenters shrivel. It’s important to be the first to try and take the hill.
Conversely, those with unpopular opinions tend to be silent for fear of ostracism. This creates a spiral in which those with the approved opinion get louder, and those with opposing views become increasingly afraid to speak.
The crime is organized. It could be easily crushed if we had the will. This is one’s man’s realization after he chased down a burglar.
That is when it dawned on me why smash and grabs and most other crimes now occur in the middle of the day with multipole witnesses. There are no consequences. What I witnessed was organized crime. There were spotters, enforcers, harborers, a woman screaming fake claims to distract what she had done and a getaway driver. All told there was at least twelve people involved and all did not hesitate in getting physical and to threaten anybody that got in their way. They were very organized and it was clear they had done this dozens if not hundreds of times before.
Why the Jews rejected homosexuality. An older article, but one that needs to circulate every once in a while. Reading this began to shock me out of my libertarianism.
Societies that did not place boundaries around sexuality were stymied in their development. The subsequent dominance of the Western world can largely be attributed to the sexual revolution initiated by Judaism and later carried forward by Christianity.